Started by WoomyRogue

Detail in a shirt's appearance. (6)

Detail - SPEC
in - contained
shirt - T
appearance - def

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9570 Detail in a shirt's appearance. (6) Detail - SPEC
in - contained
shirt - T
appearance - def
dpad 2
9549 Bearing sources of Arnold Schwarzenegger's muscle: Testosterone (6) Bearing - definition
sources of - acrostic indicator
Arnold Schwarzenegger's - acrostic fodder (AS)
muscle - pec
Testosterone - T
Teal 1
9554 Face a small perp who's not sus (6) Face = def (i.e., side)
A S_ susPECT
biocuriousgeorgie 1
9564 Part with one's muscle tee (6) def. "Part"
link: "with", i.e. 'along with'
wordplay: A'S ("One's") PEC ("muscle") T ("tee")
bags 0