Started by rpl

Supported with certainty on both sides, man is banned from saying stupid things (6)

Supported with - vertical juxtaposition
certainty on both sides - C__Y
man (M) is banned from saying (n. IDIOM) - IDIO(-m)

IDIO(-m)+C___Y = def. stupid things

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9657 Supported with certainty on both sides, man is banned from saying stupid things (6) Supported with - vertical juxtaposition
certainty on both sides - C__Y
man (M) is banned from saying (n. IDIOM) - IDIO(-m)

IDIO(-m)+C___Y = def. stupid things
rpl 2
9664 Announcement from head of engineering department of Chevron spelled out absolute nonsense (6) Announcement from ... spelled out: gramogram indicator
head of: first letter indicator
engineering department of Chevron: EDOC

absolute nonsense: definition
lavaloid 2
9665 Toss 10 dice endlessly. Why? Utter madness. (6) I O D I C, from 10 dice, no e ("endlessly")
Scramble letters ("toss")
Y, from why ("utter", spoken)
IDIOCY ("madness" as synonym)
Eiolin 1
9663 Folly is abruptly raising cash in the middle of a DIY project. (6) Folly - def
is - link
abruptly - drop last letter
raising - reversal
cash - COIn
in the middle of a - contained in
DIY - anagram fodder
project - anagram indicator
dpad 0