Started by rpl

Spiritual awakening taking over loveless divorce (9)

seance = spiritual awakening
over loveless = OVER - O
divorce = def

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9768 Spiritual awakening taking over loveless divorce (9) SE(VER)ANCE
seance = spiritual awakening
over loveless = OVER - O
divorce = def
Firetruck 3
9777 Check compass around byzantine cavern (9) Check = SE(VERANC*)E
compass = SEE ( verb 5)
byzantine cavern = CAVERN>VERANC
prawo 3
9772 Mind technology in _Stranger Things_ finale reveals origin to Vecna and beginnings of evil empire (9) def - Mind technology
("Stranger") *[_S (finale) + R_ (origin) + VECNA + (beginnings of) E_E_] = SEVERANCE
rpl 1
9779 Unusual seven-acre division (9) def: "Division"
EricFox53 1
9767 Re-distributing acres with even division (9) def. "division"
wordplay: anagramming ("Re-distributing") ACRES with EVEN
bags 0
9784 Snape mostly gets barnacles for a golden parachute. (9) Snape - SEVERus
mostly - drop last two letters
gets - juxtaposition
regular - every other letter
for - link
a golden parachute - def
dpad 0