Started by dohz

A puzzle hidden in nonsense (5)

def: A puzzle

nONSENse (hidden)

Submitted by EricFox53

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9904 A puzzle hidden in nonsense (5) def: A puzzle

nONSENse (hidden)
EricFox53 2
9927 Breaking nose: businessman's last resort (5) def. "resort"
wordplay: ONSE* ("Breaking" "nose": anagram of NOSE) + [businessma]N ("businessman's last")
bags 2
9928 One's resort back in Japan?! (5) &lit
ONSE* ("ONE'S" "re-sort": i.e. a re-sort of ONE'S, an anagram of ONE'S) + [japa]N ("back" in "JAPAN")
+? for resort/re-sort
bags 2
9910 Station's engine housing boiling hot spot (5) _ONS EN_ wolf 0