Started by phenomist

Change pitch, turn! (5)

change pitch = shift solfege note by one
turn = STINT
parse: S(ti -> LA)NT

Submitted by septacube77

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10091 Change pitch, turn! (5) &lit
change pitch = shift solfege note by one
turn = STINT
parse: S(ti -> LA)NT
septacube77 1
10092 Heel beginning to squish large bug (5) def. "Heel": nautical term, see
wordplay: S[quish] ("beginning to SQUISH") L ("large") ANT ("bug")
bags 1
10097 Editorial view stripping down, eg, Manhattan Project, ultimately (5) (-i)SLAN(-d) + _T AuLeaf 1
10100 Pitch hollowing out a tiny bug (5) Pitch = definition
hollowing out a = drop middle letters
tiny = SmalL
bug = ANT
dpad 0