Started by theduckmedic

Random rioting on street following top secret investigation of financial crimes (9)

Random rioting - ANDORM*
on street - AND(ST)ORM*
following top secret - S_+AND(ST)ORM*

def - investigation of financial crimes (

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10175 Random rioting on street following top secret investigation of financial crimes (9) Random rioting - ANDORM*
on street - AND(ST)ORM*
following top secret - S_+AND(ST)ORM*

def - investigation of financial crimes (
rpl 1
10160 Nine characters among thousands tormented by trance recording (9) Nine characters among thousands tormented = 9 letters hidden in thouSANDS TORMented
by = link
trance recording = def
Tortoise 0
10176 Stand shirtless backed up by a drumbeat - it's a rock move! (9) StAND
shirtless = drop T
backed up by a = juxtaposition
drumbeat = STORM
it's a rock move = definition, Sandstorm is a rock-type move in Pokémon
dpad 0