GAP (3)

Started by Firetruck

Something you should mind in approaching a platform? (3)

Something you should mind = def (but also the whole clue can be the def)
In approaching a platform = _G A P_

Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10210 Something you should mind in approaching a platform? (3) Semi-&lit
Something you should mind = def (but also the whole clue can be the def)
In approaching a platform = _G A P_
biocuriousgeorgie 1
10209 Regulatory binder for opening of Galactic test (3) triple def. "Regulatory binder" (GaP = GTPase-activating protein, which binds G protein to regulate their activity) = "opening" (gap) = "Galactic test" (GAP)


def. "Regulatory binder" = G_ ("opening of Galactic") + AP ("test")
rpl 0
10216 Unevenly grasps opening (3) G_A_P_ dohz 0