CROP TOP (4, 3)

Started by empyreu

British king to vacation in work wear that's risqué? (4,3)

British king = CR (charles rex)
vacation in work = PTO (paid time-off) in OP (opus)
wear that's risqué? = CR+O(PTO)P

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10344 British king to vacation in work wear that's risqué? (4,3) British king = CR (charles rex)
vacation in work = PTO (paid time-off) in OP (opus)
wear that's risqué? = CR+O(PTO)P
rpl 0
10346 C is for shirt (4,3) Reverse wordplay: CROP TOP ("top" of CROP) Firetruck 0
10362 Shirt cut the stakes all around (4,3) CROP (POT)<= wolog 0