MAO (3)

Started by phenomist

AOC shifted left 14 times, becoming a revolutionary (3)

MAO rot(-14)

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10533 AOC shifted left 14 times, becoming a revolutionary (3) MAO rot(-14) dohz 3
10536 Usual method to conceal ace for card game (3) def. "card game"
wordplay: M.O. ("Usual method": modus operandi) to conceal A ("ace"); link "for"
bags 2
10532 Card game that I found funny after it began (3) That I found funny = LMAO
after it began = take first letter out
making (-l)MAO = Card game
skaldskaparmal 1
10534 Authoritarian is partial to American insurrection (3) t]O AM[erican <
(insurrection = vertical reversal)
rpl 1