Started by biocuriousgeorgie

Environmental movement fell around polar meltdown (9)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11114 Environmental movement fell around polar meltdown (9) S(OLARP*)UNK dohz 3
11123 So, it's to act unrealistically, removing the source of trash! (9) so + larp + (j)unk vi0let 3
11139 Vibe with spouse and fool around with wordplay (9) SO + LAR(PUN)K Zimodo 2
11140 Re-imagined parks regularly turn world to a vision of green (9) PARKS + regularly tUrN wOrLd, re-imagined = PARKSUNOL*
A vision of green = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0