Started by dohz
Leap day replaced by July 1st in rubbish locality (4)
Leap = def
D replaced by J in DUMP
Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie
Clue ID | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
11120 | Leap day replaced by July 1st in rubbish locality (4) | Leap = def D replaced by J in DUMP |
biocuriousgeorgie | 2 |
11119 | Hesitation in Japan gets you beat up (4) | J(UM)P | Zimodo | 1 |
11122 | Mug shots might be done after this (4) | ddef MUG (jump, as in attack) shots might be done after this (jumpshot in basketball) |
vi0let | 1 |
11118 | Jack Diamond, squatter, has a kind of drive (4) | Jack = J Diamond squatter = UMP A kind of drive = def |
biocuriousgeorgie | 0 |