Started by l_powell

Vital process distributing its letters all around Earth! (6, 7)

anagram of VITALPROCESS around E

Submitted by noneuclidean

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11222 Vital process distributing its letters all around Earth! (6, 7) &lit
anagram of VITALPROCESS around E
noneuclidean 5
11204 Less proactive, confused mailmen etc. (6,7) (LESSPROACTIVE)*
confused - anagram
mailmen etc. - def
Botaku 2
11206 Reform these patrols! Abolish the deputy's agency! (6, 7) Reform <theSEPATROLS> (without THE) = POSTALSER
Deputy = VICE (as in, second to the boss)
Agency = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2