Started by phenomist
Satirically confront president's final promise-- shrewd (11)
Satirically = def
Submitted by bigstuffedcat
Clue ID | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
11211 | Satirically confront president's final promise-- shrewd (11) | Satirically = def FACE + T + IOU + SLY |
bigstuffedcat | 2 |
11224 | A costume (when viewed from the backside) has a hole in part of the pants, as a joke (11) | A = ACE costume = SUIT (when viewed from the backside) = reversal has = containment a hole = O in = containment part of the pants, = FLY as a joke = F(ACE+TI(O)US<)LY |
noneuclidean | 2 |
11207 | Jokingly mark inside diamond side arch (11) | jokingly = def mark = iou diamond side = facet arch = sly wordplay = FACET(IOU)SLY |
l_powell | 0 |
11208 | Jokingly fuck over your faculties without hesitation (11) | FACETIOUSLY(-ur)* | Zimodo | 0 |