Started by dohz

After ignoring the first three letters, this letter says just run away to get married (5)


Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11226 After ignoring the first three letters, this letter says just run away to get married (5) (-env)ELOPE quatrevingtneuf 2
11235 Run developer content (5) devELOPEr bigstuffedcat 2
11227 Wife of Odysseus broke free from cage to get married in secret (5) penELOPE broke free from PEN biocuriousgeorgie 1
11218 Ruminant shed insect? Flee! (5) ruminant - ANTELOPE
shed - deletion
insect - ANT
flee - def
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