Q (1)

Started by Zimodo

Conspiracy in *Succession* revealed to audience (1)

Conspiracy = def; in = link
Succession, revealed to audience = "queue" homophone

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11536 Conspiracy in *Succession* revealed to audience (1) Conspiracy = def; in = link
Succession, revealed to audience = "queue" homophone
rpl 1
11539 *half-crying* "it's worth ten of u!" (1) Half-crying = half of QQ
It's worth ten of u = def (Q is 10 pts in scrabble while U is 1)
biocuriousgeorgie 0
11540 British line heard from Picard's nemesis (1) British line = queue
heard = homophone
Picard's nemesis = def, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(Star_Trek)
dpad 0