Started by noneuclidean

Boundary condition caused meltdown e.g. ceased (4 4)

Boundary condition = def
caused = link
meltdown = anagrind
EGCEASED = anagram fodder

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11642 Boundary condition caused meltdown e.g. ceased (4 4) Boundary condition = def
caused = link
meltdown = anagrind
EGCEASED = anagram fodder
dpad 2
11640 Under the rim, a problem becomes an extreme problem (4 4) Extreme problem= def
a problem= CASE
A problem "under" the rim= CASE is located under EDGE, creating EDGE CASE
Anonymus25 0
11644 Irish Republican's going to take notes, naturally, when BF's missing in unusual circumstances (4 4) Irish: ERSE
Republican's going: (-r)
to take notes, naturally, when BF's missing: +DGECA [all the naturals except B and F, in no particular order]
in: link
unusual circumstances: def
AuLeaf 0