Started by dohz

Before, I have cut short flatulation without false dairy product (7)

Have cut short = HAVe
Flatulation without false = fART
Before I = HAV + ART + I
Dairy product = def

Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11845 Before, I have cut short flatulation without false dairy product (7) Have cut short = HAVe
Flatulation without false = fART
Before I = HAV + ART + I
Dairy product = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11840 Short - no, even shorter - type of cheese (4) Short = BRIEF
Even shorter - deleted F -> BRIE
Type of cheese - def
manofsteele 1
11842 "It's cheesy," said purveyor of bad jokes? (6) It's cheesy = def (technically speaking)
Purveyor of bad jokes? = Pun-eer
Said indicates homophone for PANEER
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11843 Tom ate mouse first, then coal and cheese (9) Tom = CAT (i.e., a tomcat)
Mouse first = M, coal = MEMBER
Cheese = def
biocuriousgeorgie 1
11846 Something mythical, something from the zoo, something welcoming, something blue (10) Something mythical = GORGON
something from the = pick one letter from
something welcoming = OLA (Portuguese for "hello")
something blue = definition, GORGONZOLA is a blue cheese
dpad 1
11839 This cheese is made backwards (4) EDAM< Zimodo 0
11841 Report on aged smell of cheese (7) GRUYERE "grew air" Zimodo 0
11844 A naughty crime by a yellow square (8) A+MERIC*+AN Zimodo 0