NERF (4)

Started by dohz

License confiscated from friend-turned-gun manufacturer? (4)

License confiscated from friend = FRIEND minus ID
Turned = reversal indicator = FREN<
Gun manufacturer? = def

Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11869 License confiscated from friend-turned-gun manufacturer? (4) License confiscated from friend = FRIEND minus ID
Turned = reversal indicator = FREN<
Gun manufacturer? = def
biocuriousgeorgie 2
11870 Retreating Frenchman, surrendering a lot in the end, gives name of weapons provider (4) Frenchman, surrendering a lot in the end - > FREN[-chman]
Retreating -> reverse it
Name of weapons provider -> def
gppasco 2