Started by InvalidD

The Reverend @theduckmedic and Molly are sad (10)

Spoonerism of "Kell and Molly"

Submitted by mstang107

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12060 The Reverend @theduckmedic and Molly are sad (10) Spoonerism of "Kell and Molly" mstang107 5
12062 Weapon nearly penetrated me: pure sadness (10) def. "sadness"
wordplay: LANC[e] ("Weapon", "nearly") went inside ME HOLY ("penetrated", "me", "pure")
bags 2
12063 Rebuild, calmly hone emotion (10) (CALMLYHONE)*
def: emotion
jovi_al 2