Started by Zimodo

META: Platitude (3rd); Forever (1st); Eternity (penultimate); Remembrance (last); Haunter (last) [5]

(Cryptic clue)
def: meta
wordplay: plA_ F_ ..Ty _E _R = AFTER [5] (a meaning for the Greek root "meta-")

(Meta puzzle)
Word-indexing into the winning clues for PLATITUDE, FOREVER, ETERNITY, REMEMBRANCE, and HAUNTER yields:
"First endlessly topless barrier Pokémon [5]"
This is another cryptic clue that solves to EEVEE. (def: Pokémon; wordplay: E_ lEVEE)

Notice that EEVEE is also a previous contest word on this site.
The word that comes "AFTER EEVEE" in the contest archives is KAHAU [5], which is the final answer.

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12145 META: Platitude (3rd); Forever (1st); Eternity (penultimate); Remembrance (last); Haunter (last) [5] (Cryptic clue)
def: meta
wordplay: plA_ F_ ..Ty _E _R = AFTER [5] (a meaning for the Greek root "meta-")

(Meta puzzle)
Word-indexing into the winning clues for PLATITUDE, FOREVER, ETERNITY, REMEMBRANCE, and HAUNTER yields:
"First endlessly topless barrier Pokémon [5]"
This is another cryptic clue that solves to EEVEE. (def: Pokémon; wordplay: E_ lEVEE)

Notice that EEVEE is also a previous contest word on this site.
The word that comes "AFTER EEVEE" in the contest archives is KAHAU [5], which is the final answer.
rpl 7