Started by bags

Rap genre sheds the antithesis of Square Enix video-game attorney Wright (7)

remove HI...P [antithesis of "square"] from the outside of HIPHOP and add ENIX to get PHOENIX Wright

Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12165 Rap genre sheds the antithesis of Square Enix video-game attorney Wright (7) remove HI...P [antithesis of "square"] from the outside of HIPHOP and add ENIX to get PHOENIX Wright AuLeaf 1
12161 Lady who loves the strange (not ok!), strange, strange bird (7) Lady who loves the strange = XENOPHILE GAL
not ok = remove LEGAL
strange = anag. indicator
strange bird = PHOENIX
schizophoenix 0
12162 A remarkable thing: Lisa Kudrow's character is missing, be nothing (7) PHOE(-be)+NIX jovi_al 0
12166 CuteMage left new order to exhume e.g. Pontiac Firebird (7) anag. EXHUMEEGPONTIAC - CUTEMAGE AuLeaf 0