Started by dohz

Protect a president captured by revolutionary in Argentina (9)

"Protect" = CH(A+PERON)E and it sorta fits chronologically! Juan Perón was president 1946-55 (and 1973-74) whereas Che lived 1928-67 :umbreoncheer:

Submitted by mstang107

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12341 Protect a president captured by revolutionary in Argentina (9) "Protect" = CH(A+PERON)E and it sorta fits chronologically! Juan Perón was president 1946-55 (and 1973-74) whereas Che lived 1928-67 :umbreoncheer: mstang107 3
12342 Tee off the start of an escort (9) CHAP(-t)ER ONE Zimodo 3
12344 It helps fold proteins without serine, shape tertiary structure into cone (9) It helps fold proteins = def
Without serine, shape = sHAPE
Tertiary structure = __R
Into cone = C(HAPE+R)ONE
biocuriousgeorgie 2
12343 Champion an A1 coach (9) CH+A+PER+ONE Zimodo 0