Started by Zimodo
Leading right into bumper? (5)
Leading = def
R into FIST
Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie
Clue ID | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
12489 | Leading right into bumper? (5) | Leading = def R into FIST |
biocuriousgeorgie | 2 |
12484 | Optimus Prime (5) | ddef | exempt_medic | 1 |
12485 | Common comment comes cardinally (5) | ddef common comment (on youtube) comes cardinally (standard def) |
jovi_al | 1 |
12483 | Which street has the best view of the US Capitol? Maybe Pine Street? (5) | FIR+ST post!!! (again!!!) | AuLeaf | 0 |