NEW AGE (3 3)

Started by Zimodo

No time to earn payment with music movement (3, 3)


Submitted by InvalidD

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12549 No time to earn payment with music movement (3, 3) NE(-t)+WAGE InvalidD 1
12546 First refuse polar shift movement in the 1970's (3, 3) SEWAGE ("refuse"), change S to N (polar shift of the first letter) phenomist 0
12551 No tail end needed - wag vigorously in contrast to 90s? (3, 3) No tail end of needed = NEE
(NEE+WAG)* (vigorously)
Contrast to 90s? = def, i.e., "new age" as opposed to "old age"
biocuriousgeorgie 0