BABA IS YOU (4 2 3)

Started by Zimodo

(spoilers for the witness) ||Puzzle video game's marshy area contains blocks accurately indicating shapes, primarily (4 2 3)||

BA(B_ A_ I_ S_)YOU

Submitted by noneuclidean

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12717 (spoilers for the witness) ||Puzzle video game's marshy area contains blocks accurately indicating shapes, primarily (4 2 3)|| BA(B_ A_ I_ S_)YOU noneuclidean 3
12715 Alibaba is your selection for puzzle game (4 2 3) _BABA IS YOU_ Polaris 1
12716 A/B conversion replicates! I start in the second person with a game that changes the rules (4 2 3) BA(conversion=anagrind)+BA(replicates)+I+S(start)+YOU(in the second person)=def schizophoenix 0