SAFE WORD (4 4 OR 8)

Started by abean077

Stop sign that few roads mess up (4 4)


Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2269 Stop sign that few roads mess up (4 4) FEWROADS* Timwi 3
2250 Stop equivalent blade with high-grade iron (8) S(A+FE)WORD = "'stop' equivalent" Polaris 2
2251 Red, maybe, or blue for disgusting Matryoshka? (8) (SA(F(EW)OR)D) = "red, maybe"

("Matryoshka" is a successive containment indicator)
edderiofer 2
2247 Setter had left base with some exit clause? (4,4) S(A FEW)ORD[-i'd] AuLeaf 0