LABOR DAY (5, 3)

Started by phenomist

A broadly abused holiday (5,3)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2633 A broadly abused holiday (5,3) LABORDAY* AuLeaf 4
2616 Work on LA by-road on birthday (5, 3) LABYROAD* / birth day (hehe) EpicToast 1
2635 Los Angeles boardwalks, then Hollywood, essential for holiday (5, 3) LA+BORDA*+_Y_ = "holiday" Penzo 1
2617 Broad mixture in secular holiday (5, 3) BROAD* in LAY (secular) = "holiday" Polaris 0
2622 Holiday of choice, between party and actress Doris? (5,3) LAB OR DAY = "choice between party and actress Doris", punny ddef. edderiofer 0