Started by Skynet000

Squash Facebook founder memetically with swine flu (8)


Submitted by Linus

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2799 Squash Facebook founder memetically with swine flu (8) ZUCC+H1N1 Linus 3
2802 Returning Czech has unusual head, chin, and eye like a courgette (8) Returning Czech: ZC< (ISO code)
unusual head: U
eye: I
courgette: def for Z(U)C<+CHIN+I
wolf 1
2846 Pueblo displays hobo-chic gourds (8) ZU(CHIC*)NI / gourds zonotope 1
2819 Vegetable axis you copy your ass off the right ways (8) Z+U+CC+H(-e)INI(-e)
(the right ways = the easts)
Timwi 0