Started by Polaris

Counting in crazy Rio land (7)


Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2840 Counting in crazy Rio land (7) RIOLAND* Timwi 4
2909 Perhaps, arithmetic found in set that's going upwards starting from 0, containing the natural numbers! (7) &lit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinal_arithmetic

perhaps, arithmetic = R (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_three_Rs)
set = LAID
0 = O
natural numbers = N (as in math)

Deusovi 4
2832 Sword in Aladdin hides out of position (7) "of position" = _ORD IN AL_ Akumu 3
2836 Possibly second, thirteenth, fourth, third, fifth, twentieth, sixth, ninth, first, a googolplexth, eighth... (7) &lit

2nd letter of possibly O
4th letter of thirteenth R
5th letter of third D
6th letter of twentieth I
1st letter of ninth N
a A
8th letter of googolplexth L
phenomist 2
2869 Normal fourth quarter became a loss for numbers in position (7) ORDINARY (normal) - RY (4th quarter of the word) + L (became a loss) quatrevingtneuf 2
2882 Serial number of racket stuck in head (7) OR(DIN)AL / serial number zonotope 2
2833 A number start off friendly with intern (7) (-c)ORDI(N)AL Happyjon 0
2871 For example, first football player from Arizona takes oxygen instead of calcium (7) (ca->O)RDINAL = "for example, first" Polaris 0