Started by LogThatData

Lincoln eats disc and a bunch of letters consecutively (5)


Submitted by EpicToast

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3642 Lincoln eats disc and a bunch of letters consecutively (5) AB(CD)E EpicToast 1
3643 Broadcaster of French mnemonic for critical medical care (5) ABC (broadcaster) + DE (“of” in French) = mnemonic for critical medical care (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure). Timwi 1
3637 Scarce, bad name (5) /CEBAD (scar is anagram indicator) = name
i guess it’s also a semi&lit
quatrevingtneuf 0
3640 First row of a cipher square hex: 703710 (5) ddef polybius, hexadecimal phenomist 0