WAX (3)

Started by skaldskaparmal

By the sound of it, smacks grow stronger (3)

sounds like "whacks"
WAX = "grow stronger" (e.g. wax poetic)

Submitted by Polaris

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3895 By the sound of it, smacks grow stronger (3) sounds like "whacks"
WAX = "grow stronger" (e.g. wax poetic)
Polaris 4
3898 Polish path with a change of direction (3) WA(-y+X) = polish Timwi 3
3897 Grow a greasy substance (3) ddef. Timwi 1
3899 Show axe, hide coat (3) _W AX_ = coat (v.) Timwi 1