AQUA (4)

Started by skaldskaparmal

Queen wears gold and a shade of blue (4)


Submitted by Polaris

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4032 Queen wears gold and a shade of blue (4) A(Q)U+A Polaris 4
4033 1/2 of 1/4 of the water (4) half of A QUArter quatrevingtneuf 1
4035 Lollipop maker before non-pasta? (4) before non = QUA (as in sine qua non)
past A
Aqua is a group that made the song Lollipop
phenomist 1
4036 Useless Goddess beheaded Runaway Spirit Squad devil (4) Double anime clue just for fun. AQUA ("Useless Goddess" from Konosuba) = (-h)AQUA (devil from Kaminomi) Sp3000 1