PI ( 2)

Started by svenmoose42

They say Shakespeare's plays are encoded in this intellectual property, backwards (2)

IP backwards
referring to the myth saying that Shakespeare's plays are encoded in the digits of pi
(I find it amusing when really short answers have really long clues)

Submitted by Polaris

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4045 They say Shakespeare's plays are encoded in this intellectual property, backwards (2) IP backwards
referring to the myth saying that Shakespeare's plays are encoded in the digits of pi
(I find it amusing when really short answers have really long clues)
Polaris 2
4042 Constant unending hole (2) PI(-t)=constant summitwei 1
4043 Detective’s number (2) ddef wolf 1
4044 Spike has character (2) Hidden word Timwi 0
4050 constant halving of shellfish (2) defn: constant
wordplay: half of PIPI
svenmoose42 0