Started by boboquack

Passionate lineage of Amerindian civilization (12)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4167 Passionate lineage of Amerindian civilization (12) INCAN DESCENT AuLeaf 2
4176 Brilliant civilization's fall (12) def: "brilliant"; INCAN+DESCENT mbingo 2
4168 Motivate taking sweets out of one sort of bulb (12) IN[CAND(-i)ES]CENT AuLeaf 1
4169 Burning hot candle fragrance, removing smell in the end (12) IN+CANDLE+SCENT minus _L = "burning" Polaris 1
4174 Bright turndown of indecent scan (12) INCANDESCENT* Timwi 0
4175 Shiny reorder of canned insect (12) INCANDESCENT* Timwi 0