Started by Space_Kalak

Adrift, sail for Dane's island territory (5, 7)


Submitted by Kit

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4246 Adrift, sail for Dane's island territory (5, 7) SAILFORDANES* Kit 2
4247 Friends; also, a bizarre archipelago (5, 7) FRIENDSALSOA* Polaris 1
4268 Archipelago's card game (for everyone) is large and small (5, 7) FARO+E+IS+L+AND+S
"for everyone" clues E as in "rated E for everyone"
Polaris 1
4248 Collection of lists of numbers inside the boundary of Minecraft's volcanic archipelago (5, 7) FAR(OEIS)LANDS
Oops this overlaps on the root "land"
Linus 0
4262 Remote course via phone exists, states country (5, 7) "FAR ROW"+IS+LANDS Amaranth 0