Started by Timwi

Pup's yelp is welcoming bit of home after endless depths of hell (4, 5)

B(ABYS(-s)+H_)ARK = "Pup" (the name for a shark's baby)

Submitted by Penzo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4335 Pup's yelp is welcoming bit of home after endless depths of hell (4, 5) B(ABYS(-s)+H_)ARK = "Pup" (the name for a shark's baby) Penzo 3
4337 First of boats in bays, listen to catchy fishy song (4, 5) BA(B_)YS+HARK
(rip "to" as a connector, oh well)
Polaris 3
4334 Change for shabby ark is what's found in a mermaid's purse (4 5) /SHABBYARK = what's found in a mermaid's purse (another term for shark egg case) quatrevingtneuf 2