
Contests started: EMBERS, HANDY (5), ELECTION (8), RETURNED (8) , BREAK (5), IMPLICIT (8), FACTUAL (7), CARAFE (6), LIMITED (7), DEBASE (6), SACROSANCT (10)

Contests won: HANDY (5), CADENZA (7), PAGODA (6), FAIT ACCOMPLI (4, 8), RETURNED (8) , IMPLICIT (8)

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10315 HANDY (5) Practical half of Han Dynasty (5) HAN DYnasty
wolog 2
10379 PAGODA (6) Turn to hold a dog approaching a temple. (6) (A DOG AP[proaching)<= wolog 1
10393 RETURNED (8) Lastly, order champagne without menu after main course served? Go back! (8) Last letters of "order champagne ... course served" wolog 1
10443 IMPLICIT (8) Absolute clarity with no beginning or end. (8) [s]IMPLICIT[y] wolog 1
10480 YAMMER (6) Complain to a sweet potato farmer? (6) Punny ddef wolog 1
10220 TESTAMENT (9) Neverending statement's absurd proof (9) Proof = definition
Neverending statement's = Statement
Absurd = anagram statement = Testament
wolog 0
10246 CLOCK (5) Hit initially crooked strand of hair (5) Hit = def
Initially crooked = C
strand of hair = lock
wolog 0
10279 CROSIER (7) Staff discusses bird watcher (7) Staff = Def
Discusses = Homophone indicator
wolog 0
10345 CADENZA (7) Solo shirtless student ending New Zealand and Australia (7) Solo = def
Shirtless student = Cadet - T
New Zealand and Australia = NZA
wolog 0
10347 ELECTION (8) Primary leader denied candidate choices (8) Primary = def
Leader denied candidate choices = SELECTION - S
wolog 0
10362 CROP TOP (4, 3) Shirt cut the stakes all around (4,3) CROP (POT)<= wolog 0
10365 FIG LEAF (3, 4) Cover up for demolished Los Angeles grand estate (3,4) (LA G FIEF)* wolog 0
10385 FAIT ACCOMPLI (4, 8) It's a matter of fact: anagram capital of mic! (4,8) (CAPITAL OF MIC)* wolog 0
10403 ARENA (5) Engagement ring kept by Cesare Napoleon. (5) _ARE NA_ wolog 0
10404 STAND (6) Support a point of view (5) Ddef wolog 0
10414 BOO (3) Disapprove of storybooks. (3) storyBOOks wolog 0
10423 NIGHTHAWKS (10) Spooner has extreme collisions with nocturnal birds. (10) HEIGHT KNOCKS -> NIGHT HAWKS wolog 0
10502 DEBASE (6) Corrupt, low-grade facility holding bombs, primarily. (6) D(low-grade) + EASE (facility) holding B (bombs, primarily) = DEBASE (corrupt) wolog 0

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