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Puffed wheat, cored vegetables; either is fine (7)

/WHEAT + V_S = either is fine

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8570 Puffed wheat, cored vegetables; either is fine (7) /WHEAT + V_S = either is fine quatrevingtneuf 2
8550 I don't care for hate against past winners, to begin with (7) def: I don't care

hate = HATE
against = VS
past = (as in after)
winners, to begin with = W_
W_ + (HATE + VS)
noneuclidean 1
8562 Graceful (at least partially) grader adds on homework. Flip out, I don't give a damn. SVE(LTE) + TA + HW reversed DcWithFiveOnes 0
8572 White House rate-limited Teslas and Priuses, eh? (7) WH + rATe + EVS (i.e., electric vehicles)
Eh = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0