Started by dohz

Machine to steal fish and hog (6)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8622 Machine to steal fish and hog (6) BO(GAR)T dohz 3
8625 Simpson emodied the original bully (6) B(OG)ART
The original=OG
def=bully (v)
Firetruck 3
8618 Shapeshifter reduced its belly to become a Hollywood star (6) BOGgART biocuriousgeorgie 2
8626 Keep painting of swampland? (6) def. "Keep"
wordplay: BOG ART ("painting of swampland?")
bags 2
8630 Send a dab around and share¡ (6) gonna call this an anti-lit; the definition is the OPPOSITE of the whole clue (which is """signified""" by the ¡ instead of a !)
wordplay: reversal of A GOB ("Send 'a dab' around": i.e. a dab of paint) + RT ("share": abbrv. for 'retweet')

(this wouldn't be valid in a real crossword, but i find it interesting enough to submit nonetheless)
bags 2
8627 Hog end of blunt containing gram (6) &lit
wordplay: BOAR ("Hog") T ("end of [blun]T") containing G ("gram")
bags 1
8628 Brooks endlessly running past tree to maintain grass (6) def. "to maintain grass" ('grass' being slang for marijuana)
wordplay: GART[h] ("Brooks", "endlessly": ref. Garth Brooks) going after BO ("running past" "tree": ref. the Bo Tree in Buddhism)
bags 0
8629 Bully got bra tangled (6) def. "Bully"
wordplay: anagram of GOT BRA ("tangled")
bags 0