BOLD (4)

Started by SoftFro

Vivid blue and gray (4)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9068 Vivid blue and gray (4) B+OLD dohz 2
9075 Brave fantasy creature avoids knockout (4) Brave = def
fantasy creature = KOBOLD
avoids = deletion
knockout = KO
Tortoise 1
9070 So brave for not having hair transplants - at least for now, shaved (4) So brave = def
Not having hair = BALD
At least = first letter of At = A
nOw, shaved = O
BALD transplants A for O
biocuriousgeorgie 0
9071 Rash, botched lobotomy conceals cutback (4) rash - def
botcheD LOBotomy
conceals - hidden word
cutback - reversal
Botaku 0