Started by theduckmedic

Find Alex cut short at wrap-up. (6)

FINd ALEx cut short(remove last letters) at [wrap-up].

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9122 Find Alex cut short at wrap-up. (6) FINd ALEx cut short(remove last letters) at [wrap-up]. dpad 1
9120 Alexander briefly appearing in good ending (6) Alexander briefly = AL
appearing in = insertion
good = FINE
ending = def
Tortoise 0
9126 End of life, and perhaps not even looking back (6) End=def
perhaps not even=IF
looking back: reversal
(ELAN + IF)<
Firetruck 0
9128 Finish part of fish drink (6) def. "Finish" (noun)
wordplay: FIN ("part of fish") ALE ("drink")
bags 0
9131 Like a snake, in the Wheel of Time, there is no ending - the end is the beginning, and what's left goes around again in the end (6) Like a snake in the Wheel of Time (but with no ending) = AELFINn
The end is the beginning = FIN begins the word
What's left goes around again = ALE* is rearranged
In = connector
The end = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0