Started by dohz

The Police mixed up with Queen on flyer (10)

mixed up - anagram
with - juxtaposition
Queen - R
on - link
flyer - definition

Submitted by Botaku

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9125 The Police mixed up with Queen on flyer (10) <THEPOLICE>+R
mixed up - anagram
with - juxtaposition
Queen - R
on - link
flyer - definition
Botaku 1
9135 Aircraft unit transporting police officer in pursuit of some guy (10) Aircraft = def
unit = LITER
transporting = containing
police officer = COP
in pursuit of = following
some guy = HE
Tortoise 1
9129 I get to ram into sanctuary using small vehicle (10) def. "vehicle"
wordplay: I COP ("I get": U.S. slang (I think?) meaning 'I obtain') to enter SHELTER ("to ram into" "sanctuary") without S ("using" "small")
bags 0
9130 Ingenuity, e.g. detailing spiral for the heartless boss' odd pet bear. (10) [Ingenuity, e.g]: The Mars rover's helicopter
detailing - remove last letter
spiral = HELIx
for the (fluff)
heartless boss' = CtO
odd pet bear = PeT bEaR
dpad 0