COAX (4)

Started by dohz

Influence via drugs, reportedly (4)

“cokes” homophone

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9454 Influence via drugs, reportedly (4) “cokes” homophone dohz 3
9460 Encourage company to downsize (4) encourage = def
company = CO
to = juxtaposition indicator
downsize = AX
noneuclidean 3
9464 Cable broadcast of the frogs' refrain (4) Cable = def
broadcast of = homophone
[T]he [F]rogs refrain = KOAX (from Aristophanes)
Tortoise 1
9457 Cajole a cable (4) Ddef - common slang for coaxial cable biocuriousgeorgie 0
9459 Butter up dual of hatchet (4) butter up - def
dual of - CO-
hatchet - AX
Botaku 0
9467 Persuade to help cut down a tree? (4) Double def
help(CO-) cut down a tree(AX)
dpad 0