Started by Anonymus25

Backsliding vent in cast iron (10)

Defn: Backsliding
vent in cast iron = (EGRESS) in (RION)*

Submitted by Madmahogany

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11724 Backsliding vent in cast iron (10) Defn: Backsliding
vent in cast iron = (EGRESS) in (RION)*
Madmahogany 2
11722 How to make the best line: get ready in place that follows the one in front (10) REG(dRESS)ION
Get ready=dress
How to make the best line=regression
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11723 Return regular expression with no experience (10) REG + (-exp)RESSION Zimodo 1