Started by Zimodo
General's bread and butter might start to get toast-y (4)
General's bread and butter = WAR
might start = M
To get toasty = def (warm as a verb)
Submitted by biocuriousgeorgie
Clue ID | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
11783 | General's bread and butter might start to get toast-y (4) | General's bread and butter = WAR might start = M To get toasty = def (warm as a verb) |
biocuriousgeorgie | 2 |
11779 | West Wing is somewhat heated (4) | W+ARM Somewhat heated = def |
biocuriousgeorgie | 1 |
11784 | Friendly inventor of crosswords initially returns?? (4) | MR A.W.< you use question marks to indicate witty wordplay defs i use question marks to indicate bad clues we are not the same |
noneuclidean | 1 |
11786 | Heated mob without a leader (4) | (-s)WARM | quatrevingtneuf | 1 |
11780 | Big win - insane ram is on fire (4) | Big win - W “Insane ram” - RAM* -> ARM “On fire” - def for WARM |
manofsteele | 0 |