MEOW (4)

Started by jovi_al

Homeowner hides pet's sound (4)


Submitted by Zimodo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12069 Homeowner hides pet's sound (4) _MEOW_ Zimodo 3
12078 Do yardwork, maybe, around end of phone call (4) def. "call"
wordplay: MOW ("Do yardwork, maybe") around E ("end of phone": last letter of phone)
bags 3
12087 Persian's greeting reaches Emperor Wu regularly (4) Persian's greeting = definition
reaches = link
eMpErOr Wu
regularly = every other letter.
dpad 2
12073 Noise of GF's mythical Pokemon, consuming second sofa (4) ME(_O__)W
my gf is a cat(girl*)
summitwei 1