Started by dohz

Less than three-fifths of aesthetes appreciate beauty (5)

fifth letters of aestHetes apprEciate + ART

Submitted by Tortoise

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12207 Less than three-fifths of aesthetes appreciate beauty (5) fifth letters of aestHetes apprEciate + ART Tortoise 5
12202 It fills the arteries! (5) &lit (which i guarantee has been done a thousand times before)
hidden in tHE ARTeries
bags 3
12204 "Deer" is a homophone of something that indicates "love" (5) "hart" lol theduckmedic 3
12205 Organ occasionally turning up in straight! (5) &lit
_A_R_ (ORGAN, "occasionally") reversed ("turning up": must be a down clue) in HET ("straight": short for heterosexual)
bags 1
12208 Ridiculous Wreath has no break-in, love (5) (-w)REATH*
def love (term of endearment)
jovi_al 1
12209 It beats most of the craftsmanship (5) It beats = def
Most of the = tHE (I know it's usually used for the beginning but there's only two ways to get "most" here so I think it's fair)
Craftsmanship = ART
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12210 Hare got mixed up but Tortoise kept its head to focus (5) anag(HARE) + T(ortoise) schizophoenix 1
12203 That man and ace share this! (5) &lit (which i reckon has not been done a thousand times before)
HE ("That man") + A ("ace") RT ("share this": abbreviation for 're-tweet', as in 'rt if you agree')
bags 0
12211 Hopefully displayed correctly after higgledy-piggledy entry begins with the center (5) H E (begins) + ART (hopefully displayed correctly) = HEART (the center) schizophoenix 0