Started by biocuriousgeorgie

Charlie and Romeo's charm (6)


Submitted by Zimodo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12215 Charlie and Romeo's charm (6) C+LOVER Zimodo 2
12222 Trefoil left in coat (6) def. "Trefoil"
wordplay: L ("left") in COVER ("coat")
bags 2
12223 Liberal wearing mask must be plant (6) def. "plant"; connector "must be"
wordplay: L ("Liberal") in COVER ("mask")
bags 2
12212 150/4 is its lucky number? (6) CL+OVER = "4 is its lucky number" mstang107 1
12214 Nothing drives out a car club (6) CAR with LOVE replacing A = C(a->LOVE)R
Club = def (another name for the suit)
biocuriousgeorgie 1
12213 After hearing the call of the sea, a devotee can live there in luxury. (6) C (homophone of “sea”) + LOVER (“devotee”) = CLOVER (“living in clover” means living luxuriantly.) discountdadjokes 0
12220 Hundred to zero: recipe for luxury (6) C+LOVE+R, def luxury (as in "in clover") jovi_al 0