Started by Zimodo

Roman legion ordered to present big bird song selection. (26)

Roman legion ordered -> The Roman alphabet in order, and “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” is sung (as a single word) by Big Bird in a memorable (to me anyway) Sesame Street song.

Submitted by discountdadjokes

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12216 Roman legion ordered to present big bird song selection. (26) Roman legion ordered -> The Roman alphabet in order, and “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” is sung (as a single word) by Big Bird in a memorable (to me anyway) Sesame Street song. discountdadjokes 0
12218 The five boxing wizards jumped quickly from unique sort to be found in some bowls of soup (26) "The five boxing wizards jumped quickly" - "uniquely" removes duplicates, "sort" sorts them alphabetically
"found in some bowls of soup" - alphabet soup
Taargus 0
12225 All Romans are the furthest translation of the imperial fundamental unit? (26) All Romans = def
furthest translation (of the imperial) = ROT13, applied to (A TO M)
schizophoenix 0
12226 Preschool song's lyrics and keys? (26) double def: "Preschool song's lyrics" and "keys" (on a keyboard)
though, and i haven't checked this, there might be some etymological overlap
bags 0