Started by WoomyRogue

Colorful, mostly grape juice-flavored drink (7)

def. "Colorful"
wordplay: GRAP[e] ("mostly", "grape") HI-C ("juice-flavored drink": the American brand)

Submitted by bags

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12322 Colorful, mostly grape juice-flavored drink (7) def. "Colorful"
wordplay: GRAP[e] ("mostly", "grape") HI-C ("juice-flavored drink": the American brand)
bags 3
12319 Explicit image (7) ddef mstang107 2
12320 Head plotter is very clear (7) GRAPH IC = def schizophoenix 1
12321 Good rap intro starting to create a picture (7) G+RAP+HI+C_ Zimodo 1
12323 Game feature: good hit bar sound (7) def. "Game feature"
wordplay: G ("good") RAP ("hit") HIC ("bar sound": drunk people say *hic*)
bags 0